The Diocese of Dallas' Mission Statement for the Safe Environment Program states:
As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of minors and vulnerable adults. As they participate in activities within or sponsored by our Diocese, it is our responsibility and commitment to provide an environment, which is safe and nurturing.
To accomplish this goal, the Diocese requires all parish volunteers to be cleared with the Diocese Safe Environment Program. If you are not cleared, you are not authorized to volunteer with any parish ministry.
The safety of our children and those at risk is of utmost importance. To that end, We screen volunteers and adhere to all requirements of the Diocese of Dallas Safe Environment Program. Please click here to begin the new volunteer process.
If you have been abused by a member of the clergy, or church personnel at any point in your life, or know someone who has been, please report the abuse to law enforcement or the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services at 1-800-252-5400 or
You may also contact the Diocesan Victims’ Assistance Coordinator, Barbara Landregan, at 214-379-2812. Let us always pray that God our Heavenly Father will bring comfort and healing to all victims and their loved ones.